Thursday, April 2, 2009

Vision 2020

Vision 2020 means that by the year 2020, Malaysia can be a united nation, with a confident Malaysian society, infused by strong moral and ethical values, living in a society that is democratic, liberal and tolerant, caring, economically just and equitable, progressive and prosperous, and in full possession of an economy that is competitive, dynamic, robust and resilient.

There can be no fully developed Malaysia until we have finally overcome the nine central strategic challenges that have confronted us from the moment of our birth as an independent nation.

-The first of these is the challenges of establishing a united Malaysian nation with a sense of common and shared destiny. This must be a nation at peace with itself, territorially and ethnically integrated, living in harmony and full and fair partnership, made up of one 'Bangsa Malaysia' with political loyalty and dedication to the nation.

-The second is the challenge of creating a psychologically liberated, secure, and developed Malaysian Society with faith and confidence in itself, justifiably proud of what it is, of what it has accomplished, robust enough to face all manner of adversity. This Malaysian Society must be distinguished by the pursuit of excellence, fully aware of all its potentials, psychologically subservient to none, and respected by the peoples of other nations.

-The third challenge we have always faced is that of fostering and developing a mature democratic society, practising a form of mature consensual, community-oriented Malaysian democracy that can be a model for many developing countries.

-The fourth is the challenge of establishing a fully moral and ethical society, whose citizens are strong in religious and spiritual values and imbued with the highest of ethical standards.

-The fifth challenge that we have always faced is the challenge of establishing a matured, liberal and tolerant society in which Malaysians of all colours and creeds are free to practise and profess their customs,cultures and religious beliefs and yet feeling that they belong to one nation.

-The sixth is the challenge of establishing a scientific and progressive society, a society that is innovative and forward-looking, one that is not only a consumer of technology but also a contributor to the scientific and technological civilisation of the future.

-The seventh challenge is the challenge of establishing a fully caring society and a caring culture, a social system in which society will come before self, in which the welfare of the people will revolve not around the state or the individual but around a strong and resilient family system.

-The eighth is the challenge of ensuring an economically just society. This is a society in which there is a fair and equitable distribution of the wealth of the nation, in which there is full partnership in economic progress. Such a society cannot be in place so long as there is the identification of race with economic function, and the identification of economic backwardness with race.

-The ninth challenge is the challenge of establishing a prosperous society, with an economy that is fully competitive, dynamic, robust and resilient.

The success of this country comes from our unity and the most important thing is our leaders. For example, our Prime Ministers from Tunku Abdul Rahman to Tun Dr. Mahathir’s we can see the development of our country and stabilize relationship with other countries. This two factors has changed our mind that our nation and our country can do everything to success if we have desire to change.


In order to understand transsexualism, we must first answer some basic questions about gender. What is Gender Identity? Where does it come from? What events occur in nature that interfere with correct assignments of gender? Knowledge in this area is under rapid development. There are challenges in defining, separating and "labeling" the different phenomena, and in making estimates of frequencies of occurrence. There are also differing interpretations of the underlying science, and differing points of view about the evolving social and medical protocols for resolving these conditions.
However, much more is known about gender identity than just a few short years ago, and those new understandings are very much worth sharing and building upon. The taboo on this area has also been broken, so that we can openly discuss these important issues without fear, shame or embarrassment.
As we'll see, far more people suffer from gender-identity conditions than previously suspected, and the lives of millions of people are impacted by gender-identity issues. The key to improving the quality of those lives is better knowledge and more widespread understanding of that knowledge.

Cons of gay marriages

The equality of homosexuals with other members of society is achieved by decriminalizing homosexual activity and allowing equal opportunities to homosexuals in terms of broad education and employment rights. Gay rights does not mean ignoring the obvious differences between homosexuals and heterosexuals. Marriage is historically and logically a heterosexual institution, the extension of which to homosexual couples would be meaningless and even repressive of their identity.
Homosexuals, by definition, will not produce children, and so are not appropriate candidates for financial incentives to home-making and the maintenance of family values.

Pros of Anarchism

Anarchism aims for a classless society but, unlike communism, rejects a strong controlling state. Anarchism fights for human freedom by opposing all forms of hierarchical organization and control- these are inherently repressive. It does not argue for complete disorder but advocates local co-operation and universal pacifism.

Anarchists recognize that even so-called democracies are essentially repressive institutions in which an educated, privileged elite of politicians and civil servants imposes its will on the mass of people. Anarchists want to live in a non-hierarchical, natural world of free association in which individual expression is paramount and all the paraphernalia of voting, government, taxation, laws and police are done away with.

While anarchism may not achieve its aim of universal non-hierarchical living, it is still an important voice of dissent, highlighting the injustices done to minorities, animals and the environment. Many anarchists are truly self-sufficient, living off the land, making their own clothes and bartering with each other. Such people include the ‘new age travellers’ and radical environmentalists who opt out of traditional hierarchies altogether for a natural, pacifist lifestyle.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Hypovitaminosis D

We take multivitamins pills. But we never take the opportunity to know what are the benefits of taking them. One of the vitamins that we usually miss out is vitamin D. below are a few goodness of vitamin D:
Vitamin D regulates the calcium and phosphorus levels in the blood by promoting their absorption from food in the intestines, and by promoting re-absorption of calcium in the kidneys, which enables normal mineralization of bone and prevents hypocalcemic tetany. It is also needed for bone growth and bone remodeling by osteoblasts and osteoclasts.
In the absence of vitamin K or with drugs (particularly blood thinners) that interfere with Vitamin K metabolism, Vitamin D can promote soft tissue calcification.
It inhibits parathyroid hormone secretion from the parathyroid gland.
Vitamin D affects the immune system by promoting phagocytosis, anti-tumor activity, and immunomodulatory functions.
When we lack adequate intake coupled with adequate sunlight exposure, (in particular sunlight with adequate ultra violet B rays), it will cause Hypovitaminosis D. Deficiency results in impaired bone mineralization, and leads to bone softening diseases, rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults, and contributes to osteoporosis. Osteomalacia may also occur rarely as a side-effect of phenytoin use. In conclusion, vitamin D plays an important role in the maintenance of organ systems.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


First of all, I would like to wish all a very happy new year 2009. It feels good to be able to blog again. It's been some time though. 2009 is a new challenge for me with new subjects and task to do. Starting doesn't seem so good- a lot to do but very little time. but I am sure things will improve and get better. Well that's all for now till we start our Technical writing blogging. Good day to all.