Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Cancers of the brain are abnormal growths of cells in the brain. Growths are called brain tumors, but not all brain tumors are cancer. Cancer is a specific term for malignant tumors.
Malignant tumors grow and spread aggressively, overpowering healthy cells by taking their space, blood, and nutrients. Tumors that do not spread aggressively are called benign.
A benign tumor is less serious than a malignant tumor. But a benign tumor can still cause many problems in the brain. Genetic factors, various environmental toxins, radiation , and cigarette smoking are all known to cause cancer. The most common symptoms are headache, weakness, clumsiness, difficulty walking, seizures, altered mental status, nausea, vomiting ( especially early in the morning ), abnormalities in vision, difficulty with speech, gradual changes in intellectual or emotional capacity. In general, there is no way to prevent brain cancers. Early diagnosis and treatment of tumors may reduce the risk of sever brain tumors.
SOURCE: eMedicineHealth

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